Thu-Aug 8-Lord Have Mercy!

Matthew 5:7-8(CEB)

“Happy are people who show mercy, because they will receive mercy.

“Happy are people who have pure hearts, because they will see God.


It is difficult to grant mercy, even though we are given it everyday.

When we think of those who are merciful and pure in heart – we think of the kind of person
who gives others chances over and over again, the person who just knows that other people
are loved by God and should be loved by us too. We know that mercy is undeserved. One of
the commentaries stated mercy is undeserved, unearned, and unnecessary. We know that God
and Jesus have mercy on us, but they certainly didn’t have to. With that in mind, do we ever
give mercy to others? We praise God for new mercies everyday – and some days we are more
aware of that mercy than others. Some days we are so exasperated with others and the state of things in our lives and the world, and maybe even with ourselves that the only words we have are “Lord have mercy!”

Because I work with kids, I get to experience a great deal of mercy and pureness of heart every
day. It is certainly a blessing and makes me happy. In my job I certainly make kids cry – activities are difficult, they are tired or just not in the mood, or they would prefer to just sit and play as opposed to having to get on their hands and knees and creep to a toy. They obviously don’t understand the big picture of why I am putting them through these difficult tasks, but in the end, they forgive me, and 99% of the time, they are happy to play with me when they are in a more comfortable position and are happy to see me when I return to their home the next time. In general children, especially infants and toddlers, are happy for interaction with people. They give you the benefit of the doubt. That is why in Matthew 19:14, Jesus says “Allow the children to come to me. Don’t forbid them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.” People who are merciful and pure in heart.

by Janet Waryck

For Pondering and Prayer

Thoughts: Are we giving people mercy (including ourselves) when they or we say or do
something that hurts us or others? The story of the Amish people who forgave the person who shot their children at the school in Pennsylvania comes back to me again and again. How
difficult that is, but that is what we are called to do because every single one of us has done
something that we need to be redeemed for and that is why Jesus came, so we as believers in
Christ must acknowledge that everyone is redeemable. Lord have mercy!

Prayer: God of mercy, fill us with your mercy and pureness of heart that we may give mercy to others even as you have given it to us. Amen.

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