2 In the days to come
the mountain of the Lord’s house
will be the highest of the mountains.
It will be lifted above the hills;
peoples will stream to it.
3 Many nations will go and say,
“Come, let’s go up to the Lord’s mountain,
to the house of Jacob’s God
so that he may teach us his ways
and we may walk in God’s paths.”
Instruction will come from Zion;
the Lord’s word from Jerusalem.
4 God will judge between the nations,
and settle disputes of mighty nations.
Then they will beat their swords into iron plows
and their spears into pruning tools.
Nation will not take up sword against nation;
they will no longer learn how to make war.
Jacob’s God is everyone’s God.
The story that began with God’s blessing on one particular family – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – became a blessing for the whole human family in the coming of Christ.
That’s exactly how it was always meant to be.
The people of Israel – the children of Abraham – looked forward to a day when the wisdom of their God would be shared with the people of every nation. They looked forward to a day when God’s way would be THE way, in every land and among every people.
When that happened, they trusted justice to prevail.
When that happened, they trusted peace to prevail.
When that happened, they trusted that all people would recognize their place in the human family and act accordingly: to treat people with respect and dignity, to care for those in need, and to work for peace.
The blessing may have begun with Abraham’s family. But it didn’t stay there. It could not. Jacob’s God is everyone’s God! And those who follow this God are called to act accordingly.
By Joe Monahan
For Pondering & Prayer
When have you been the recipient of a blessing originally given to, for, or by someone else? When has a gift you received become a blessing for someone else? What does this share-and-share-alike attitude towards gifts say about God?
Prayer: God, you have blessed us with much, and also asked much of us. Your gifts are never meant to be kept just for our people, our families, or ourselves. The blessing always overflows to touch other lives as well. We thank you that Christ came not only for us, but for all people – the whole human family. Amen.