51 Have mercy on me, God, according to your faithful love!
Wipe away my wrongdoings according to your great compassion!
2 Wash me completely clean of my guilt;
purify me from my sin!
3 Because I know my wrongdoings,
my sin is always right in front of me.
10 Create a clean heart for me, God;
put a new, faithful spirit deep inside me!
The Psalmist begins his cry for help with acknowledging his guilt. Psalm 51 is attributed to King David by some and alludes to the story of David and Bathsheba, in which David broke at least half of the Ten Commandments. The anonymous writer of Psalm 51 was well-acquainted with God’s compassion as he confessed his own guilt and shortcomings. Humanity is filled with people who have done things they are not proud of and yet we keep finding new ways to do harm to others and to God’s creation. I am proud to be a United Methodist who tries very hard to live by Three Simple Rules: Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.
It may seem strange to begin reflecting on Compassion with a focus on Compassion for Myself. And yet it is probably more difficult than being compassionate with others. Self-compassion and self-forgiveness are intricately connected. Everyone makes mistakes, so we need to allow ourselves to feel the guilt and then gradually reframe our negative thoughts and focus on learning. “What can I learn from this to help me be more like Jesus?” In reflecting on Compassion for Myself I found a tool called “Four R’s of self-forgiveness.” 1. Responsibility: Accept what has happened and show yourself compassion. 2. Remorse: Use guilt and remorse as a gateway to positive behavior change. 3. Restoration: Make amends with whomever you’re forgiving, even if it’s yourself. 4. Renewal: Learn from the experience and grow as a person.
by Kathleen Stolz
For Pondering and Prayer
Psalm 51:10 is one of those verses I have had on my heart for years and it serves as a beautiful prayer of Compassion for Myself. As this is day 2 of our virtual Compassion Camp, I want to share a song that was originally composed for children, and which works well as a meditation for people of all ages. The lyrics are included in the prayer below. “Create in Me a Clean Heart O God, that I Might Serve You” by Mary Rice Hopkins.
Prayer: Compassionate and Loving Lord, Wonderful Womb-like Spirit, I
come to you this day and every day on bended knees, confessing my sins
and admitting my guilt for any transgressions I have made. Wrap your
loving arms around me and free me of my sins and shame. I feel your
grace-filled forgiveness as I read these words:
Create in me a clean heart O God, that I might serve You.
Create in me a clean heart O God, that I might be with You.
So fill me and heal me, and bring me back to You.
Create in me a clean heart O God, that I might serve You. Amen.