44 “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that somebody hid in a field, which someone else found and covered up. Full of joy, the finder sold everything and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. 46 When he found one very precious pearl, he went and sold all that he owned and bought it.
I spend way more time than I should looking at items on Facebook Marketplace. I don’t actually buy all that much – but I definitely enjoy the thrill of the chase. And when you find something great, it feels pretty special.
A few months ago, I was in the market for a new bass guitar. I had been searching for a while, and I wasn’t particularly interested in paying new prices. But for months, all the ones I kept seeing on Marketplace were either weird, or overpriced, or not quite what I was looking for.
But then….I saw one that I absolutely fell in love with. I knew right away that this was THE ONE. I loved that white pearl pickguard, the unique ice blue satin finish – honestly, I’d never seen one quite like it. The minute I picked it up and played it, I had to have it. Have you ever felt that joy of finding the exact thing you were looking for?
When Jesus was talking about what it means to know and love God, he told stories and used images people would understand. Everyone can relate to finding that thing you always wanted, and feeling that you absolutely must have it. That’s how I felt upon finding this guitar (and I think my face tells the story!)
Of course, what Jesus offers is far greater than a bass, or a car, or a pearl. Jesus is talking about the joy that comes from knowing and loving God – the kind of joy that takes hold of your heart so powerfully you just can’t imagine your life without it.
I pray that when this Christmas rolls around, we might meet Jesus once again at the manger and experience the peace, hope, joy, and love that comes from knowing his touch on our lives. Nothing else compares!
by Joe Monahan
For Pondering and Prayer
When you think about what God has done in your life, what emotions do you feel? Have you ever felt the “thrill of the chase” in your faith journey? If not, pray that God might grant that divine spark in your heart this Christmas season.
Prayer: God, we pray that we might experience once again the joy and wonder of knowing you. Grant that we might feel the excitement of faith once more, just as we felt it at first. Remind us of the surpassing value of loving you and living according to your Word. Amen.