Tue Jan 7-Thy Word Is a Lamp

Psalm 119:116-117 (CEB)

116 Sustain me according to your word so I can live!
    Don’t let me be put to shame because of hope.
117 Support me so I can be saved
    and so I can focus constantly on your statutes.


Most people, when they get to Psalm 119, experience their eyes beginning to glaze over. If you did, I wouldn’t blame you. There are several whole books of the Bible shorter than this one psalm. At 176 verses, it’s a love poem written to the scripture itself, organized in stanzas each beginning with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet (it’s also the source of Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith’s famous “Thy Word”, based on verse 105.)

Much of the content of the psalm fits well with this week’s sermon theme: Focus. The psalm is, in large part, a prayer that the writer not lose sight of the importance of God’s Word. The continual plea is for the will to study, and the strength to obey.

The writer finds life and hope in the words of scripture. This is in such stark contrast to the way we often think about the Bible: as lifeless and cold. But to the psalmist, every word has value. Every word has meaning. Every word has something to teach. So it is worthy of the time and effort it takes to understand it. Because when we understand it deeply, we gain a better understanding not only of God, but of ourselves as human beings.

As you begin 2025, I give thanks that you are here, studying and learning with us. As you open the scriptures, I pray that you might find the kind of hope that sustains you throughout the year, no matter what happens.

by Joe Monahan

For Pondering and Prayer

What are some of the challenges you find in studying the scripture? Maybe a study Bible with helpful notes might be a good investment for 2025. You’ll be surprised at how much more interesting the Bible becomes when it’s easier to understand. Please email me if you need some recommendations.

Prayer: Lord, truly your Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. You have given us the scriptures as a source of encouragement and hope. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear the truth you have given us in your Holy Word. Amen.

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