22 Certainly the faithful love of the Lord hasn’t ended; certainly God’s compassion isn’t through! 23 They are renewed every morning. Great is your faithfulness.
When I was a kid, I worried about stuff – a lot. I often found myself unable to sleep, concerned about this or that, usually about something that was going on at school. Mom & Dad would often sit down with me and try to reassure me that everything was going to be ok. I remember one of Dad’s favorite lines was: “No matter what, Joe, the sun will come up tomorrow.” I’m not exactly sure how or why, but I always found that thought comforting.
I’ve experienced it to be true that no matter what challenge we face, it’s usually not as scary after a good night’s sleep, when the monsters of our anxious thoughts are banished by the light of day. Things really do look better in the morning.
This scripture takes that common wisdom and puts it in the context of God’s faithfulness. The earth keeps spinning because of the forces that God has put in place. Every single sunrise is new evidence of God’s presence and provision. Some days are more challenging, some days are more peaceful, but every day is an opportunity to see new evidence of who God is and how God cares for us.
by Joe Monahan
For Pondering & Prayer
When was the last time you experienced a sunrise? This is something that I try to do a few times a year. It means getting up early, yes, but I never regret it. Next time you’re in a place that offers a view of the sunrise, be sure to take advantage!
Prayer: Creator God, we thank you that your love is from everlasting to everlasting. We thank you for the new mercies of each new day. Great is your faithfulness. Amen.