Today we welcome a new contributor to our devotionals: Manny Estevez. Manny and his family have been part of Medford UMC since July 2013. He is a US Army Veteran, having served in the Iraq War. He used his GI Bill benefits to obtain a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. and currently works as a Director of Sales & Project Management for Wyatt Elevator Company. His family includes his wife Andrea and two high-school aged children, Luke and Lilly.
25 “I have spoken these things to you while I am with you. 26 The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you.
Reminders are a big part of my life. I use them to help keep me organized and on top of the things I need to accomplish. Whether it is setting reminders in my work calendar to make sure I don’t miss a deadline or an important meeting, writing things down on our family calendar at home so we can plan together, or simply writing a “To Do” list, I need reminders. They help me think clearly.
When I read chapter 14 of the Gospel of John, I can hear Jesus giving his disciples, and us, several reminders. He is reminding them that he and God are one, that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and although the time was coming when he would no longer be with them in person, he was not abandoning them. He was sending the Holy Spirt to be there with them forever. The Holy Spirit would remind them, and likewise reminds us, that no matter what we face in this world, Jesus came to provide a way for us to live in eternal peace in God’s Kingdom. This is a reminder I can use every day!
by Manny Estevez
For Pondering and Prayer
How are reminders helpful for you? How can you stay close to God, so you can be constantly reminded about how much God loves you?
Prayer: God, may we stay close to you today and every day, so we can always remember how much you love us and that your Holy Spirit, our Companion, is with us forever. Amen.
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