Wed Oct 27-Heartbreak to Breakthrough

Psalm 147:3 (CEB)

God heals the brokenhearted
    and bandages their wounds.


The other side of heartbreak is healing. Healing is messy. Healing takes time. It always takes way more time to heal than we are willing to wait to fully heal. We think, “I feel good, so why listen to the doctor?” Does this sound familiar to you? We don’t listen, have a set back and have to start the healing process all over again. So healing can also be a learning process for us, to realize we need to listen to the doctor.

In this verse the psalmist is writing about the remnants of Israel returning after the exile. They are a spiritually broken people. They are deeply wounded and in need of help. Their refusal to follow God’s laws and listen to the warnings of the prophets had ended in disaster. But out of this brokenness came a breakthrough, and a new opportunity was created for the people to turn to God and be healed. Healing and wholeness brought the people into a new relationship with God. By turning to God to heal their broken hearts and bandage their wounds, new life became possible.

When we are broken hearted and wounded we need to turn to God for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. We need to wait and listen to God. No matter how ugly, we need to show our wounds to God so God can bandage them. Some of our wounds are visible, and some are hidden, but all wounds leave an imprint on our lives.  Wounds don’t just hurt the body, they can be a violation of soul and psyche. When we are broken hearted and wounded, God is with us to bandage our wounds, to heal us, and make us whole by God’s love. God transforms our brokenness to breakthrough, God transforms our suffering to new life.

By Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering & Prayer

Often when our hearts are broken by life, it creates an opportunity to have a break through, to engage in new life. We can find strength to move on in a new direction, see new possibilities, and to create new life from the ashes. God sent Jesus to us to heal us, to bring us from heartbreak to breakthrough. We call Jesus the “Great Physician,” because through him our sins are healed. We are forgiven, made whole, and given new life.

Are you currently experiencing heartbreak? Are there wounds in your life you need to bring to God to be bandaged so that you can be healed? Do you see the opportunity for a breakthrough in your brokenness?

Prayer: Loving God, you see our heartbreak. Come and bandage our wounds. Heal us with your love and transform our heartbreak to breakthrough so we may experience new life in you. Amen.

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