Fri Jun 23-Punctuation!

Psalm 150

Psalm 150

150 Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his sanctuary!
    Praise God in his fortress, the sky!
Praise God in his mighty acts!
    Praise God as suits his incredible greatness!
Praise God with the blast of the ram’s horn!
    Praise God with lute and lyre!
Praise God with drum and dance!
    Praise God with strings and pipe!
Praise God with loud cymbals!
    Praise God with clashing cymbals!
Let every living thing praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!


This psalm may be only six short verses but the meaning is clear: praise, praise, praise! Such exclamations! Psalm 150 is the last of all the psalms and ends this book like its own proverbial exclamation point. It is the final doxology which leaves us with one last charge to praise God, however we can. So sing and shout praises in our sanctuaries and under the stars at night. Praise God by blowing your horn, hitting the drum, clanging the cymbals and don’t forget to dance! Let all creatures praise God with their every breath, however they can.  

In all things, “Praise God,” yet this psalm isn’t just a simple statement about words of praise. It is a reflection of the faithfulness of God’s people for their creator and for the giver of life in all circumstances. It is a celebration of life that says that praise is found far beyond only our words. By historical tradition, the blowing of a horn often marks the start of an event, an important announcement or a solemn occasion, such as a coronation or in the playing taps for a funeral. Likely the beating of drums, the clanging of cymbals, or the melody of the flute have often denoted the same. These sounds, however loud or quiet, are like our punctuation notes or offerings to God; we are here in praise and in thanksgiving! We are here to celebrate the life and breath you give and to offer our praise however we can.

by Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

Whether joyous occasions or within quiet moments, in so many ways, we use all kinds of instruments and movements to denote the importance of an event. These moments punctuate our connection to the Spirit. Our sounds and actions are reminders of celebration and solemnity that connect us in praise and breath to our Lord. Sometimes, whether to punctuate our words or even when words fail, we use music as wordless praises for our God. How do you connect in praise beyond just your words?

Prayer: Creator God, I offer my praise to you. Sometimes my words or ways may fail, but I know that I don’t even need to speak to connect to you. In all the ways that I connect to you, let my ways of praise always be pleasing to you. Amen

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