Mon Jun 17-Never Too Old

Today we welcome a new contributor to our devotionals, but someone who many of us know well, the Rev. Kathleen Stolz. Kathleen was Associate Pastor at Medford United Methodist Church from 2013 until she retired in 2020. A graduate of Drew Theological School, she is an ordained Deacon with a heart for service, compassion and justice with over thirty years in ministry. Kathleen’s focus at MUMC was on ministry with children and youth, missions, Caring Team, Reconciling Ministry, congregational care, Women’s Bible Study, and more. Her husband Rich, as a photographer, was instrumental in developing a pictorial directory for the church. Kathleen and Rich are enjoying their retirement by spending time with their children and grandchildren, and discerning where the Spirit leads next.

Matthew 19:36 (CEB)

26 Jesus looked at them carefully and said, “It’s impossible for human beings. But all things are possible for God.”


In the verses that proceed our scripture for today Jesus is questioned by several different groups about how they can acquire their spot in heaven. In verse 19:3 he gives us a hint when he says, “The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.”

Have you ever watched young children play? They are PLAYING WITH PURPOSE! Playing is how children learn. We have a six month old grandson who is just beginning to learn about our world and his unique place in it. He is learning to roll, to pick things up, to repeat sounds that will eventually become words that have meaning, to blow bubbles with his tongue…. There are countless things we learn as we grow. Parents, siblings, teachers and other children help us learn how to treat one another as we interact and play together. How does any of this happen? It seems almost magical. It is not possible for human beings alone. Only our Creator
makes it possible!

We celebrated musical ministries at MUMC yesterday. What beautiful gifts from God have blessed this congregation through the years! I admit that I have always been in awe listening and watching the bell ringers. How do all those bells create such beautiful music? How do some people learn to play an instrument and write a musical composition at age 4 years, like Mozart?

All things are possible for God. We are never too old to learn something new. Our task is to discover our God-given gifts and use them, individually or with others, to make our world a better place.

by Kathleen Stolz

For Pondering and Prayer

What does “play” mean for you? When was the last time you played with a child? Try it! It may wear you out, but it feels wonderful to laugh with and to listen to a child. Playing is valuable for people of every age. We should never stop discovering new God-given gifts.

Prayerful walking is also a type of “play.” In retirement I have found time to really enjoy walking. Some days I listen to music but other days I simply observe what is going on around me. Walking with our grandchildren is great fun, too. What began as recovery from a hip replacement has become a daily meditation when God and I have a conversation about life.

Make a date to take your child or grandchild for a walk, to play games, do a puzzle, read books or go to a playground. Look at the world from a new perspective. God has endless possibilities waiting for you to play.

Prayer: Creator God, we give thanks for all the possibilities you present to us. We apologize for the times we ignore the amazing gifts you are offering or for the opportunities you present for us to play well with others in your wonderful world. Guide us on this journey of playing with purpose, Loving Lord. Help us to make your world a more peaceful place. Amen

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