Greater New Jersey


Fri Jan 24-Be the Best to Each Other

Mark Twain said, “Comparison is the death of joy” and nothing will kill your joy faster than scrolling through social media. It’s probably because we are comparing our worst moment, to someone else’s best moment, because in comparing ourselves to others we aren’t playing on a level field. While we want to be happy for our friend’s successes


Wed 22 Gifts of the Spirit

Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth is one of his first attempts at verbalizing his theology, his understanding of God, and what some 300 years later became known as “Trinitarian theology” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Gifts of the Spirit is Paul’s attempt at describing the awesome and amazing Lord at work within the community.


Tue Jan 21-Selfish Ambition

I love the book of James. James is very straightforward about how we are to live our lives. It doesn’t make it easier, but it does give us good instruction. Our passage today had me struggling to give good examples because I am feeling like this is a no brainer. The state of our world feels like this is where we are. Those in power seem to be in power only for power.


Mon Jan 20-Let Go of Arrogance

Most of us are not very kind to ourselves. So, I am fairly convinced that when we only read this one verse, we hear it as an encouragement to believe that we are actually enough. We don’t need to look around and worry if others are better than us because God has already given us what we need.  That’s an important message.


Wed Jan 15-Internalized Learning

When I think about all the things I’ve learned in my lifetime – countless hours spent in books, classrooms, seminars, and on-line courses – it’s obvious to me that I’ve forgotten most of it. I think that’s the nature of most of our learning. It unfortunately goes in one ear and out the other.


Tue Jan 14-Looking Forward

Did you set a New Year’s resolution or goal for yourself? How is it going? Have you had a set back? Are you still on track? No matter where you find yourself, the good news is that today is a new day and God is calling you to forget about mistakes made yesterday and look forward.


Mon Jan 13 God’s Faithful Love

Where would we be without God’s faithful love in our lives? I know I can’t imagine my life without God’s love! God’s love is undeserved, eternal, unconditional, unfailing, patient, kind, loyal, merciful, compassionate, steadfast, generous, grace filled, and life giving. The psalmist in this psalm calls on us to meditate on God’s faithful love in our lives


Thu Jan 9-Focused Attention

As I began reflecting on this passage, I looked at the background of the Book of Proverbs to clarify its purpose and origins. It is part of the wisdom literature in the Old Testament, and it is believed to have been written over centuries. Imagine the amazing amount of wisdom gathered from the time of King Solomon

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