

Wed Sep 4 – First and Second Chances

Isn’t this the lesson we try to teach our kids – don’t hit back, share, be kind. Do we also teach them that we shouldn’t let others take advantage of us? But where is that line? What is the lesson of this lesson? I’m sure that like me you have heard these verse


Mon Sep 2-This Little Light of Mine

When I read the scripture passage from today I can’t help but think about and sing to myself
the beloved Sunday School song, “This Little Light of Mine.” Here is a link to a fun video of this
song: “This Little Light Of Mine” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKkbIZtqhyQ) (I promise if you watch this video your spirits will be lifted!)


Thu Jun 13-Created for Good

We’ve been reflecting on purpose throughout this series. We often think about purpose as something highly individualized, like a fingerprint – defined by unique interests, gifts, and experiences that are given us by our Creator. But this scripture also reminds us that…

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