

Mon Jan 6 – What Should I Focus On

Paul told the Colossians to put to death such things as sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed. He told them to get rid of all the evil things such as anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language.


Wed Oct 2-Love Others Like They Are Family

What did Paul mean when he wrote to the Romans “Love each other like the members of your family.” Loving the members of your immediate family can be a challenge sometimes. The grievances against our brothers or sisters may be traced to sibling rivalry, or they may run much deeper


Thu Sep 19-Peace Like a River

Peace – we all want it, but it certainly feels elusive in our own little spaces and throughout the world. Peace can be elusive even within us as we can be anxious about so many things day to day. When I was thinking about peace within myself, I thought about the song “Peace Like a River.” The song says…

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