

Wed Jul 3-Hearsay

Job’s story is one of devastating financial and personal loss, of disease and suffering, betrayal and marital discord, anger and finally transformation. Job’s life was broken and poured out in front of him, and in his despair and suffering he asks God that eternal question we all come to ask, “Why me?”


Mon Jul 1-Finding Our Place at the Table

Our scripture talks about how we should all be servants – helping others in whatever we do. Sometimes we are in charge of what’s happening – we are hosting an event, we are leading a meeting, we are the CEO, and people look to us for direction. That doesn’t mean we can’t be helping others as we do this.


Fri Jun 28-What Is Your Purpose?

What is my purpose? How am I being led by the Holy Spirit? I am not exactly sure when I wrote those questions, I didn’t date them, but as I reflect on them now, I know they apply to me as much today as the day that I wrote them, whenever that was.

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