

Fri-Aug 23 Compassion with, in, & for the World

As we draw Compassion Camp to a close for this week, I hope you have had a good journey exploring compassion in a more focused way. Compassion is not just about donating money to a cause, or delivering food to a neighbor, or driving a friend to the emergency room, or sitting with a family member as he or she goes through one of life’s challenges,


Thu-Aug-22 Compassion for Friends & Neighbors

We do not really know anything about this man who was being carried on a mat and lowered through the roof other than his physical paralysis. And we know very little about the people who were bringing him to Jesus for healing. What we can surmise is that the people carrying the paralyzed man would go to any lengths to have their friend healed.


Wed-Aug-21 Compassion for Family

Compassion for Family brought to mind an experience that hit very close to home. An elderly relative, whom we shall call X. Smith, needed on-site supervision and, as luck would have it, there were two residences located on the property. One of the grandchildren whom we will call Z. Smith,


Tue Aug 20 – Compassion For Myself

The Psalmist begins his cry for help with acknowledging his guilt. Psalm 51 is attributed to King David by some and alludes to the story of David and Bathsheba, in which David broke at least half of the Ten Commandments. The anonymous writer of Psalm 51 was well-acquainted with God’s compassion as he confessed his own guilt and shortcomings. Humanity is filled with people who have done things they are not proud of and yet we keep finding new ways to do harm to others and to God’s creation. I am proud to be a United Methodist who tries very hard to live by Three Simple Rules: Do no harm. Do good. Stay in love with God.


Mon Aug 19 – Spending a Week at Compassion Camp

It’s summertime and this week we will be going (virtually) to compassion Camp VBS! The church I attend used Compassion Camp curriculum with a different focus on the act of compassion each day. Compassion is an emotion that calls for action on our part. The call to “Be compassionate as God is “compassionate” will be explored as Compassion for Myself,
Compassion for Family, Compassion for Neighbors, and Compassion with, in, and for the World.


Fri Aug 9 – Making Peace and Being Persecuted

In today’s climate, it is a difficult task to try to be a peace maker. What does being a peacemaker look like to you? Are we trying to be peacemakers? That’s a
tough one because no matter what “side” we are on we feel like we are being persecuted for
our beliefs at this point in history.


Thu-Aug 8-Lord Have Mercy!

It is difficult to grant mercy, even though we are given it everyday.
When we think of those who are merciful and pure in heart – we think of the kind of person
who gives others chances over and over again, the person who just knows that other people
are loved by God and should be loved by us too.


Wed-Aug 7-Meek Like Mary

We don’t always think of meekness as a good trait, but God will use it to help us. Happy are the meek. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The CEB says
humble, but I have always read this as meek. I have always felt that being meek is not the way
to be.

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