Wed Jan 31-Godly Abilities

Deuteronomy 8:17-18 (CEB)

17 Don’t think to yourself, My own strength and abilities have produced all this prosperity for me. 18 Remember the Lord your God! He’s the one who gives you the strength to be prosperous in order to establish the covenant he made with your ancestors—and that’s how things stand right now.


I began wearing funny tee shirts to church when I was a greeter for my church in Florida. Usually it would invoke a smile or somebody telling me they like my shirt. So funny shirts became part of my Sunday wardrobe when we were in New Jersey.

On more than one occasion I wear one while I’m shopping. It’s something I don’t even think about, and I often forget that I have one on.

So, one day I’m shopping myself and I notice a lady looking at me wearing a little smile. And I think, “that lady is into me.” But it didn’t take long to remember that I was wearing a funny tee shirt. And I avoided getting Debra mad at me.

Which brings me back to this devotional. Whenever I’m impressed with my own abilities or strength or talents, I should never act like it’s me. I like to write, and I became a writer well into my career path. I remember receiving my first award. It even came with a cash prize. I was so psyched. An everyone in the newsroom knew it. I’m not sure when or even if I thanked God for it. But it was talent God gave me that led to that award. Sure, I worked at my writing, but without what God gave me, it was just words.

If we could all give God the credit, what a wonderful world it would be. People wouldn’t get paid what they are “worth.” There would be so much to go around.

I still want to know if what I’m writing makes sense. But maybe now I can firmly believe it’s God who is using me.

by Rick Reed

For Pondering & Prayer

Generally, I think we all like to receive praise. But when we do receive it, let’s remember to give the praise back to God!

Prayer: Lord, when I get down to it, it’s much better when you receive the credit and praise. Help me to always think this way. Amen.

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