Mon Feb 26-Let’s Be Honest

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Proverbs 12:22 (CEB)

22 The Lord detests false lips;
    he favors those who do what is true.


Let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to be honest with God, and maybe that’s because we find it difficult to be honest with ourselves. It’s hard to be honest with God because our fear and pride get in the way. We’re afraid to be honest with God when we we’re suffering and cry out in prayerful lament. We may fear God’s anger at our complaints or at what we may have done. As humans, it’s hard to be honest with God because our pride gets in the way. When tough times happen we convince ourselves we can handle it on our own, or we are angry or confused. We often find our-selves overwhelmed and isolated. We run from God, instead of running to God for help and comfort. We seek to be in control to stop the pain, rather than letting God be God.

God is loving, patient and all knowing so there is nothing we can hide from God and nothing that we can throw at God that God can’t handle. God seeks to be in a personal relationship with us, so we can be completely honest about our emotions. Without complete honesty and trusting in God, we can’t make the journey through lament to wholeness. When we suffer from fear, shame or losing control in front of God, then we’re not being honest with God or ourselves. Opening up and being vulnerable by being completely honest in God’s presence will deepen our relationship with God, strengthen our faith, and bring us comfort.

This wisdom saying from Proverbs 12:22 tells us that God detests lying and deceitfulness. The God of truth loves truth
and when we are truthful with God, ourselves and others, we please God. Embracing God’s truth that we are loved and forgiven when we are in a time of lament allows us to let God be God and opens us to receive the miraculous love and grace of God that forever changes us.

by Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering and Prayer

What is one thing in your life where you’re not being completely honest with yourself and God? What is holding you back from trusting God to be God? Take time to sit with God in prayerful lament and experience God’s loving presence.

Prayer: Holy and loving God of truth, help us to be open and honest with you in our prayers of lament, so that we may grow ever closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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